Last night Trina came over. She's a massage therapist, though unlicensed, and hasn't had a chance to practice in a while. So she came over, brought her table and gear, and I made sure Susan got first crack at a nearly professional massage.
After it was over, they came down and we all watched random TV until it was time for Trina to take off with her munchkin. Then she realized that her table was still upstairs and that she was dead tired.
She ended up crashing on our couch for the night; her kids was asleep on a bean bag our kids have, so he was taken care of. I cuddled with her a bit before heading upstairs to bed.
Next morning I woke up super early to get ready for work...Susan was actually awake for once and got dressed and came down as well. Trina woke up shortly before that, and so was able to pack her stuff up for an early departure. As I was leaving, both women were standing at the door. I had an awkward moment of "which do I hug first?"...not an everyday occurence for me, let me tell you!
Solution: group hug! They laughed at the situation, and assured me that I'd handled it the best I could. Of course, I made sure that each got their own hug and smooch before taking off...but that was definitely a new experience!