Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Socialness? What's that?

Last weekend we actually had people in our house...that weren't us!  Now, I understand that for many people this is an everyday occurrence, but for my wife and I, well...not so much.  Don't get me wrong, we have made many friends over the years, but we've moved away from any we knew before and all the rest have been over the internet.

Ryan came over early to have some time with Susan.  They snuggled up on the couch mostly, and when they weren't they were watching me prep food for later.  Erik and Angie showed up later on, right about the time bellies were starting to grumble.  Erik and Angie are a married poly couple, and Erik has been Susan's contact with them for the last several weeks.  This was our first chance to all meet up and actually have some adult conversation for once.

We made sure the kids were occupied, and for the most part they stayed well out of the way.  Lunch was in two phases; first, a build-your-own salad buffet, then some homemade pepperoni pizza puffs.  For the most part, lunch went off very well, and we finished the get-together off with a hard-fought game of Pirate Munchkin, or whatever it's called.  (Side note: if you like games at all, get any of the Munchkin variants!)

Erik and Angie had to take off, since they had other plans for later that night, but they apparently liked us well enough to invite us to their own poly meet-up later this week.  Even the kids were invited, which is good since we have no reliable babysitter.  Their main comment to Susan later was that "It's obvious you've been doing this for a while, it felt like a poly household with no drama!"  Susan and I had to laugh at that; maybe we really were meant for poly after all!

We had another first that evening.  I made sure the kids stayed downstairs while Ryan and Susan had some alone time in our room...that's the first time I've been anywhere near the two while they did anything more than hug and kiss.  Still no appearance of the big green monster, and in the words of Susan, "is this really working?"

So far, it is.