Thursday, August 22, 2013

...And Course Correction to the Right Just a Touch...

Susan made some comments this week about Trina, stating that she thought she was more into me than I was picking up.  She pointed out her manner of dress, the fact that she had makeup on for a casual night of dinner at a friend's house, as well as some mannerisms.  Today Trina followed up with a text about getting new shoes, and wishing she could get out of the house to properly break them in.

So I invited her for an evening out, saying that Susan had already agreed to babysit so she could get a break.  The response back was as I suspected, a reiteration of "friends only" at this point, especially because I'm military.  Understandable, and I'm just glad the air is cleared.  The invite still stands, though, so we were trying to figure out what to do for a night out.

She doesn't drink much, and I don't drink at all, so for my purposes a bar is mostly out of the question.  Maybe for live music, but there needs to be another draw for me.  I looked up local standup comedy shows, but didn't like anything that was coming up soon.  Then she asked me about dancing...I told her I'd never danced before, and I needed something like ballroom dancing lessons to even feel remotely comfortable going out for a night of dancing.

Cue both of us looking up local dance lessons, and to make a long story short, looks like we found a place that does a lesson for an hour each week, followed immediately after by a dance for a few hours.  Susan has agreed, in theory at least, to watch Trina's munchkin weekly...we'll see once she has to handle the ball of energy for a full evening every week!